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DJI TB48D Batteria Matrice 100 Part6

Modellismo fotografia Droni ed accessori fotografia

Prezzo articolo € 228,99
IVA 22% Esclusa € 187,70

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DJI TB48D Batteria Matrice 100 Part6 DJI TB48D Batteria Matrice 100 Part6
DJI TB48D Batteria Matrice 100 Part6

DJI TB48D Batteria Matrice 100 Part6

Function: 5700mAh powerful battery

Feature: High-performance intelligent flight battery built for the Matrice 100 with a power capacity up to 5700mAh, which will keep your aircraft going for even longer. When in flight, the remaining battery power is shown in real-time and advanced algorithms calculate the distance of your aircraft and estimated time to return home, letting you know when it’s time to fly back. The battery automatically provides information about the voltage of each cell, the total lifetime charges and discharges, and its overall health and status. All this helps you to prolong the operating life of the Matrice 100 for years to come

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